Spelet utan mål | The game without a goal |
Spelet utan mål.
Interaktivt ljud-konstverk där beskrivningar av fotografier
blandas med fältinspelningar och musikstycken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave the balanced, organized and let the sound move and reformulate the relationship to the collective memory. Questions about time and space arise, what has been is mixed with what is. An interactive artwork where movment creates sonic experiences who ask questions about our relationship to time and space. Narratives are created when the the visitor moving within the urban space. There is a reformulation of the place, where time, experiences and meetings are mixed, the perspective becomes distorted. To experience the impossible, the visitor literally goes from being an experience to move boundaries. Based in Dérive and Psychogeography, the visitor becomes an explorer whom freely moves around in the city with the help of (their) mobile phone via an twisted audio-walk. In this way, what has been is mixed with what is, the city’s various rooms and places are moved with ease and can be retold side by side to an photo from the artist’s archive. |